Yoga Nidra - May
Sun, 16 May
Sunday 16th May 5.00-5.45pm Yogic Sleep or Sleep of the Yogis A state of being, or being in a state of pure awareness! Book here

Time & Location
16 May 2021, 17:00 – 17:45 BST
About the Event
Yoga Nidra is also known as yogic sleep but is in fact a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. In Yoga Nidra the body and mind are fully relaxed which is conducive to emotional and physical healing. Yoga Nidra is a great tool for deep relaxation and connection. It works on several different levels and can be used to channel a personal intention or Sankalpa.
Yoga Nidra does not involve physical yoga poses or asanas, other than making yourself nice and comfortable, and doesn't require any specialist mats, equipment or clothing. It is ideal for undertaking in the comfort of your own home - hence our online offering. You just need as many blankets, pillows, cushions, layers, squishy stuff as you like to be nice and comfy, and the ability to listen without interruption for around 20-30 minutes. That's it. Nidra works through hearing and feeling, so you purely work at listening and awareness. Treat yourself!
Book here